I love my Mom, she turns me on to songs I'd otherwise miss being away from home. Usually during the summer I'll listen to WRNR 103.1 out of Annapolis, MD, I certainly don't advise listen to radio (see last post) but WRNR is the exception to rule. They'll play up and coming artists based upon who plays shows near the DMV, rather than the top 40 b.s. you can catch on any other station.
Anyways, I've always sort-of-kinda-liked-pretty-much-a-third-grade-crush type thing for Guster (no homo). Like I like them, but like don't tell them I said that or I'll be embarrassed WATCH THIS HUGE JUMP I'M ABOUT TO DO FROM THE SWINGS! Ummmm anyway, my mom has this sort of thing like Shazaam for her 1990's LG flip phone that emails the song name and artist to a given address. Well a few months ago, last semester, she asked for my email and I assumed she'd periodically send me updates, ask how I am... nope. Turns out she entered my email, and every time she enjoys a song on the radio she'll send it to me. Past songs have been Cee-Lo's "Fuck You", and Mickey Avalon's "Jane Fonda", but occasionally I get one I haven't heard and Guster's latest is today's subject.
I couldn't stand the single at first, I got the album and quickly disregarded it as boring and pretty much lame. But as usual if you hear something a few times it begins to grow on you i.e. Nicki Minaj. I went home the weekend before last (the weekend prior to the gayfest known as Waterfowl, tourists and ducks aren't my thing) and naturally WRNR was turned on as soon as I was in range... that and I ran out of mixed CD's. After a weekend of listening to "Do You Love Me" it got stuck in my head, then on to my "Favourites" iPhone playlist and now to the blog... progression.
Guster-Do You Love MeBuy Guster's
Easy Wonderful here!